We predict an EXPLOSION in event data recorder use
3 things to consider when using EDR data
Event data recorders (EDRs) are increasingly being fitted to new vehicles and so it is natural that we will see an increase in the use of that data to determine how a collision occurred and ultimately, who was at fault. But here are 3 things to consider when using EDR data.
1. It cannot provide all the answers.
Relying solely on EDR data is similar to hearing half a conversation. You need to consider the data it provides in the context of other evidence.
2. How reliable is the data?
The question we get asked the most is "How fast was the car going?". Whilst EDR data can provide the vehicles indicated speed, there are circumstances where the speed identified in the data might be wrong, such as when a vehicle becomes airborne. When looking at the data, sense check it. Ask yourself, does that data seem right? Are there any reasons why the data might not be a true representation of what actually happened?
3. Accept your limitations.
From the outset, determine what questions are you trying to answer by downloading the data. There will be circumstances where the data can answer your questions and instances where it can't answer your questions. Whatever the outcome, know when you have reached the end of your own skills and knowledge.
Contact us today to find out how we can use our knowledge, skills and experience to deliver answers to the questions you have asked.
t. +44 (0)113 534 8708 | e. enquiry@drivenforensics.co.uk | w. www.drivenforensics.co.uk
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